• 3月


    2024年3月25日大约12点20分,上图中的嫌疑人 在第4批次,第5层与两名男学生无缘无故对峙,然后 挥舞着一把刀.

  • 8月


    2023年8月23日约15时10分, the pictured suspect approached the victim at the Metro Bus stop and began to yell at the victim without provocation. The suspect spat in the victim's face and attempted to punch the victim with his right fist; however, 他没有接触到受害者的脸. 嫌疑犯逃离了现场, 步行, 向南进入PCC校园, 然后从PCC物业向东行驶穿过邦妮大道. If the above person is seen on PCC properties contact 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏 警察 Department immediately by calling 626-585-7484. If you have any information regarding the suspect or this incident please contact Det. 电话:626-585-7629或tjrobins@ewepub.com

  • 2月

    二月跟进. 4大楼封锁公告

    Follow Up Notice to Building Lockdown 安全公告 for 威胁的行为 on 2月ruary 4, 2022 . PCCPD案例#2022-00014. Summary: The above listed individual made verbal threats to staff and students on 2月. 4, 2022. Mr. 哈达德已被停职, and is prohibited from being present on any District owned properties and is subject to arrest for violating the order. 如果你注意到. 哈达德在任何地区拥有的财产, 请立即致电校园警察调度(626)585-7484.

  • 2月


    2022年2月4日,大约上午11:30.m., an incident occurred inside the Center for the Arts building involving students and staff members. 在上课时, a student experienced an emotional outburst and made verbal threats against students and staff members who were present. 校园警察立即得到通知并作出回应. 校园警察到达后被告知此人已经离开了教室. 启动狂欢警报. As a safety precaution the Center for the Arts Building was placed on lockdown while an extensive search was conducted. 大约13时20分.在美国,校园警察在校外找到了嫌疑人. 封锁已经解除,校园社区没有持续的威胁.

  • 11月


    大约下午3点50分.m., an attempted kidnap occurred in front of a classroom in the R building, on the third floor. 当时受害者正要进教室, the suspect was passing by and confronted the victim by grabbing her wrist and attempting to pull her away from the door. The victim was eventually able to free herself from the suspect and entered her classroom. The suspect was startled by the presence of other students in the classroom and fled the area. 受害者不认识嫌疑人.

  • 五月


    An altercation occurred today off-campus at Hill Street and Green Street at approximately 12:20 p.m. During the altercation it was reported that one of the individuals assaulted the other with a knife. 据称,有人看到嫌疑人通过网球山进入校园. Campus 警察 notified staff members on campus to shelter in place while a complete search of the campus was conducted by officers. 大约在下午1点45分.m. 今天,帕萨迪纳警察局找到了嫌疑人. 在梅里迪斯大街. 就在科罗拉多大道的南边. 并被拘留. There are no outstanding suspects, and there are no additional safety concerns for the campus.

  • 10月


    10月21日, 2019 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏 Campus 警察 sent out a 安全公告 regarding reports of suspicious encounters on campus with individuals seeking to engage in religious based conversations. The individuals involved were using the term “God the Mother” during the discussions. Concerns were reported by students that the group was involved in cult like activity based on information obtained via social media. 自安全公告最初发布以来, 多亏了一个订婚的人, 提醒校园社区, we were able to identify and interview the individuals regarding their activity on campus. 该组织的一名代表接受了校园警察的面谈, and provided verification that they are affiliated with “The World Mission Society Church of God”. 该组织的代表表示,他们受到了恶意攻击, 社交媒体传播的未经证实的谣言. 基于这次采访, 以及与其他执法机构的进一步跟进, 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏 Campus 警察 has determined that no criminal activity related to this organization has been substantiated, 在我们的校园里也没有发生与这个团体有关的犯罪活动. We would like to remind our Campus 社区 that the presence of any organization on campus does not necessarily constitute an endorsement, 但这仅仅反映了我们对每个人言论自由权利的支持和坚持.

  • 10月


    10月16日, 2019, 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏 Campus 警察 received an anonymous report of suspicious activity through our Lancer Anonymous Tip Reporting web page, 也被称为“L”.A.T.R.“(http://ewepub.com/police-and-college-safety/latr.php) 这份匿名报告称,10月16日,周三,大约下午6点15分.m., the reporting party was approached by 2 females on campus who stated they were PCC students and began asking religious based questions, 大声朗读有关“上帝之母”的段落. The reporting party became concerned because she had heard rumors of a group using the “Mother of God” name that were allegedly engaged in cult like behavior. 据报道,这次遭遇发生在“食品店附近的第二广场”。. 据描述,两名女性都可能是西班牙裔. #1, 20岁出头, 5’2, ”矮胖的“构建, 深棕色头发, 穿着黑色长袖衬衫, 蓝色牛仔裤, 背着粉色背包. 2 . 50-60岁中期, 5’4, 薄的构建, 棕色的头发, 穿着一件黑黄相间的连衣裙,搭配一件颜色不明的运动夹克. 10月18日, 2019, a second anonymous report was received via our Lancer Anonymous Tip Reporting web page, 报告两名男性的类似可疑遭遇. This second encounter was said to have occurred four days prior, on 10月ober 14, 2019, at 9:00 p.m. The reporting party stated they were approached by 2 males near the R Building asking if they had heard of “God the Mother”, 并试图获取报案方的电话号码. Both males were reported to be Latino, in their early 20’s, 5’10, black hair, 140 lbs.,据说两名受试者都穿着正式服装,即“去教堂的服装”。. The delay in reporting both incidents was significant (1 hour delay, and 4 day delay respectively). 然而, 收到此信息后, 校园警察对匿名举报中描述的区域做出了回应, 无法找到任何符合描述的人. The individuals involved may be a legitimate religious organization proselytizing on campus. 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏 Campus 警察 would like to encourage anyone who has a similar encounter to contact campus police without delay, 这样我们就可以和他们取得联系,减轻他们的担忧, 或者在必要时采取适当的行动.

  • 10月


    2019年10月9日上午10点半左右.m., 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏 Campus 警察 received an anonymous report of suspicious activity through our Lancer Anonymous Tip Reporting web page, 也被称为“LA”.T.R.“(http://ewepub.com/police-and-college-safety/latr.php) 这份匿名报告称,10月8日星期二,大约中午12点半.m., 2 female students were approached by an unknown female soliciting assistance from the females, 并鼓励他们来她的住所. 雌性谢绝了邀请. 这次互动发生在校外科罗拉多大道的一家快餐店. 在PCC主校区对面. The reporting party believed that the motives of the female soliciting assistance were suspicious and potentially motivated by criminal intent. 嫌犯被描述为一名女性, 白人或亚美尼亚人, 快40岁了, 5', 薄的构建, 金发. 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏 Campus 警察 would like to remind students to be aware of your surroundings at all times, 校内和校外. 不要主动接触你不认识的人. 相信你的直觉, 如果有什么感觉不对, 或者你觉得不安全, 报警求助.

  • 1月


    On Tuesday, 1月uary 01, 2019, PCCPD discovered that several rooms were burglarized in the C-building 在主校区. 视频监控显示,2018年12月31日星期一 大约000小时, 上图中嫌疑人和目标一起出现在大楼北部. At approximately 00 15 hours, the male suspect leaves the area and is seen again walking north 朝向c楼的南入口. 直到大约10点50分才再次看到嫌疑人 几个小时后,他从c楼东口提着多个包离开. 嫌疑犯被观察到。 离开校园,最后一次被看见是在科罗拉多大道徒步往东走.
